Questions & Answers

Please feel free to reach out to us for any questions or concerns you may have and we will get back with asap. We have listed a few common questions and answers.

Frequently Asked Questions.........

What primary services do we offer?

We offer 24 hour personal hands on care and love whelping services, including our hands on extensive care for your momma and her puppies!
Regardless if it’s just one puppy or 12+ we love them and treat them as if they are our own!
We also breed healthy and thriving Great Dane & French Bulldog Puppies!

Can I visit after whelping?

Please keep in mind that puppies are susceptible to illnesses or diseases and we can not allow anyone to enter the whelping areas. To minimize the risk of our babies contracting anything, because we do sometimes have multiple litters at once and it’s for our and the other owners peace of mind that we just do not let anyone into our whelping rooms or around the puppies. I know this is hard for some people to understand, but we feel as if we do not do what is best for the litters we are caring for then we are not giving our 100% to them thriving. We have witnessed alot of issues over the years we have been in this business and can not stress enough to our customers and to others whelping litters their selves, how vital it is to keep new born puppies away from the world and keep them in their own little space uninterrupted.
We will update you with photos and videos as frequently as we are able to, understand that these random photos and videos may not be for use to you as far as advertising but just use for peace of mind, as our first priority is caring for your babies.

Do we offer emergency services?

Emergency whelping is when booking is needed within a 24 hour period. Contact us for more information if needing emergency services. There is a $250 extra charge for emergency service added to the desired helping service plans available.  Once fees are paid for both emergency and whelping services there will be no refund nor a transfer to another service.
Please contact us by texting our phone 409.350.9926
(emergency whelping needed now, please contact me back) and we will respond immediately

What are the rates of our services?

Rates will vary, depending on the type of whelping services you are looking for. We have tried to set up our pricing packages to suit everyone, but if you feel you need a different service not listed please reach out to us so that we can work to fit your needs. 

Pricing of the puppies we have for sale will be determined by breed and their colors. Other factors will be considered also in our pricings. Please contact us with any questions.  

Do we have a contract for our services?

Yes, we have a contract for when we sell a puppy. 
Yes, we have a contract for when we do any stud services.
Yes, we have a contract for our whelping services.
If you are interested in our services and would like a copy of any of our contracts please request one through our contact page. Contracts will be sent via email.

Do we offer a health guarantee?

Yes, we have a health guarantee on our puppies! Our health guarantee is however very extensive, as we strive to keep our puppies just as happy and healthy in their new homes as when they were still here. We ask no less from you then what we ourselves do here, especially when it pertains to our puppies! Protecting our puppies from the time they are in mommas belly and throughout their lives we hope to know they are being just as cared for and loved! No, you are not required to accept the health guarantee but we recommend accepting and following our health guarantee to insure the health and safety of our puppies. This does not mean we do not think your own ways of raising puppies is less then our ways, but to assure ourselves and the safety of our puppies we have set certain guidelines that will need to be followed for a health guarantee to be fulfilled.
A copy of our health guarantee can be sent via email, to request a copy please contact us through our contact page!

Do we provide the vaccines, deworming medicine and
any vet care cost?

No, we will only administer the medications provided by you or your vet.
If your litter is planned to stay with us past their two weeks of birth, we will require you to have your vet prescribe deworming medication so that we can start the puppies and momma on the deworming medication as soon as the puppies turn 2 weeks of age.
*Deworming is required by us and will be giving by us at the ages 2, 4, and 6 weeks of age
*Vaccines are required by us and will be giving at a vet office at ages of 6, 9 and 12 weeks of age

Remember you are the breeder and you are responsible for the vaccines, deworming and veterinary care of your momma and her babies. All medication cost, vet cost and supplements are at the cost of you the breeder. Also all vet visits must be arranged in advance so that we can prepare for that visit and that the services must be paid for prior to either us or your vet. Always keep in mind that cost is not guaranteed at the vet so be prepared to have additional cost. As per the contract you will sign we do require you to have a credit card on file with us and your vet prior to dropping off momma.

Can I bring more then one female for services at same time for whelping ?

Yes, but keep in mind that the prices are per litter.
You cannot combine litters from different females.
Unless a medical reason is needed for a different female to be brought in to nurse the babies, all mommas and litters will be treated as an individual litter, unless other negotiations are made prior to arrival.

What options do I have to pay?

You can book your services through our website, and we also accept Cash, CashApp, Venmo and Zelle as well. We will not accept checks for payments.

Please keep in mind that once you’ve booked a Whelping Service, funds are non-refundable.
If you paid for whelping services, those funds can not be transfer to the payment of purchasing a puppy from us. As for as the sell of our puppies, deposits are non-refundable and are not transferable. However if you pay any money towards a puppy over the amount of the deposit, only that amount will transfer to the purchase of another puppy from us (not an outside purchase of a puppy) and the purchase of another puppy must be made within that same year. You will be responsible for the remainder of the balance for the new services.

Terms of Services!

 Prestigious & Pampered Pawz - French Bulldogs, Great Danes & Whelping Services does require a contract be signed prior to any purchases or services. We must protect ourselves, our clients and most importantly the ones who can not speak and defend themselves our fur babies and our clients fur babies. All of our contracts can be emailed per request for prior viewing before signing. All our contracts will be signed electronically, unless other wise stated.

Prestigious & Pampered Pawz - French Bulldogs, Great Danes & Whelping Services does not give refunds for any reasons after a client has signed up and paid for Whelping Services!

Prestigious & Pampered Pawz  - French Bulldogs, Great Danes & Whelping Services does not give refunds after a client has paid for the purchase of a puppy. However we will transfer the price paid minus the deposit to another puppy that is produced by us only, (will not transfer to any outside sales), and the purchase of new puppy must be made within one year. If a puppy is not available within that year time frame we will extend the time to when the upcoming litter is due.

Prestigious & Pampered Pawz - French Bulldogs, Great Danes & Whelping Services agrees to take excellent care of the momma and her puppies, using every precaution available to insure they thrive. However, some things are unpreventable no matter how well they are taken care of. The momma and puppies will have access to 24 hour Vet service (Veterinary Emergency as close to me that can take in the quickest, which yes could even mean we have to drive to Lake Charles to the ER Vet we also use for our own fur babies). The owner will be notified immediately of any situation that should arise and any charges that occur during this time will be paid in full by the owner upon receipt from the Vet. If you decline us taking momma or puppies to the ER or Vet for any reason, we will not be held responsible for any tragic outcome or complications that will continue to arise. 

Prestigious & Pampered Pawz - French Bulldogs, Great Danes & Whelping Services will not be responsible for any injuries, sickness and or death that is considered a normal and unpreventable occurrence when whelping puppies. If Prestigious & Pampered Pawz - French Bulldogs, Great Danes & Whelping Services, is found to be at fault due to neglect and or not seeking the proper care for the dog/puppies, then reimbursement for the situation will be given.

Prestigious & Pampered Pawz  - French Bulldogs, Great Danes & Whelping Services, will not be responsible for any injuries, sickness and or death that occur while under the Veterinarian’s care. Any and all veterinary expenses for care and treatment is the sole responsibility of the owner, and must be paid prior to services. Client further agrees to accept responsibility for any damages the above named dog may cause through malicious, aggressive or improper behavior that may occur before, during, or after all services provided by Prestigious & Pampered Pawz  - French Bulldogs, Great Danes & Whelping Services.

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